The story about Alex Rodriguez being one of the 103 players caught using steroids in the 2003 "confidential" testing by MLB is a microcosm of the greater illness that is plaguing our country. The generations before the baby boomers valued a persons word, they valued integrity, they valued an honest days work. With the advent of the "me" generation it's all about getting there first, what's in it for me, the end justifies the means. Our descent into Machiavellian ideals has propagated an environment whereby cheating is OK, as long as one doesn't get caught, and even then, with a good apology and the shortened attention span of those watching, all is soon forgotten.
The Internet has opened a Pandora's box of scamming and cheating. One needs to look no further than malicious spamming and phishing that is constantly bombarding Internet users. College entrance exams have either gotten really easy, or kids are getting smarter than the test (SAT, ACT). The fact is that examples of test questions are all over the Internet, and plagiarism, well that's all whole other can of worms, just ask Biden. Nobody wants to start at the bottom and work their way up through the ranks with hard work, we want to start at or near the top! Who wants to own one house that you can afford, pay it off, then maybe leverage that paid off house into some investment properties? You could instead, two years ago anyway, get a loan on five houses at once and have other people pay for your equity as values rise, and get really rich doing little or nothing. Then came the monkey wrench. Values stopped rising, then fell, and interest rates ticked up, making all those ARMs a large boulder strapped to the collective neck of over-zealous investors and those living way above their means.
Ft. Myers was ground zero for the frothing Real Estate market. Empty lots were being bought and flipped for profit. Three years ago real estate values were 40-60% higher than today. So Barack Obama and his Merry band of Hucksters paid a visit to the shell shocked Gulf coast of Florida, led by the traitorous Charlie Crist, into the land of the depressed and needy. He was greeted like a saint, a messiah by the breathless needy masses there.
Good Gosh! Don't they know that it was Barack Hussein Obama, the Usurper, the Non Natural Born US President, who had a major part in the catastrophe? He and his band of traitorous power hungry Socialists (Frank, Dodd, Pelosi, Reid, Waxman, Kennedy) purposefully brought the US Economy to it's knees (helped by an equally ideologically inept President Bush) in order to further the power grab of the government over the people. So in the once booming Gulf Coast, where people took advantage of a corrupt system, and got greedy, the perpetrator was greeted as their master. For them the decent into Socialism is complete, they have already psychologically ceded control over their lives to the government. People there asked questions about why they couldn't get a better job than McDonald's, and why they could not get their full previous salary in unemployment. These are the people that descended upon the Harborside Event Center in Ft. Myers, looking for a handout, something to believe in, because they have no belief in themselves. They should know that if someone says" I'm from the government and I'm here to help", RUN!
So that brings me back to AROD, the once great and all powerful baseball player, viewed as perhaps the best of all time. He was going to be the savior of the HR record, the legitimate, non PED aided King of the sport, gifted as a hitter as Obama is as a politician. The adoration of a man who can merely play a sport is the sure sign of sickness in our society. Why should so much be given to someone who can hit a baseball, while so little is given to a teacher or a policeman, or an engineer or a doctor? Disparity of income stratas has caused a fraying of our moral fiber. Kids want to be Rappers or Ballplayers, not Engineers or Doctors, and they will use any means that justify that end. They want that Million Dollar contract! Obama has capitalized on the vast differences in income, and instead of working to fix our societal ills, has used them to his own ends, demonizing Capitalism as a failed system that preys on the little people. He has capitalized on the Income Gap like Hugo Chavez, knowing that the have nots are a much Larger group than the haves.
AROD and Obama both cheated along the way, they could not rely on their gift and their hard work. They wanted it all, Now. The lack of belief in themselves (alas even the powerful suffer from this human malady) and a craving of idolatry from their fans, has brought AROD down to earth, and will soon bring down Obama.
What If?
14 hours ago